2019-07-02 Net Minutes
- opened
- 20:00
- closed
- 20:26
Check-ins (21)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- James Cravey (KG5ZTZ)
- Mark Hnatiuk (KG5EYV)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- Michael Narcowich (KI5BPO)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- Rick Pfeil (KI5DUJ)
- Don Ling (WB5CKO)
- Bill Rose (K5WTR)
- Jeff McDowell (KI5CES)
- Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- Dick Zimmer (W5DZ)
- Bob Henglein (W5GC)
- Jim Snell (W0PMO)
- John Walpole (K5ZY)
- David Barry (KG5UZA)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Trent Owens (AG1TX)
- Jim Laird (KF5YY)
- Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ)
- Banjo Williams (KC5GWR)
Officer Reports
President KG5EYV
- We haven’t had a social this Spring
- Equipment issues: radios that should have been working that weren’t
- 2–3 hours of downtime during Field Day
- Will discuss at upcoming meeting
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE) is moving away in August
- Thanks for all of the hard work!
- Field Day (incl. takedown) went really well!
Vice-President N5ZKF
- Next meeting 2019-07-21
- Great Field Day! Hopefully everyone has recovered
- Went much better this year than last year
- Get on the air!
- 2014-07-04 Independence Day special event
- 13 Colonies special event
- plus two bonus stations
- Call sign format:
- K4RC special station
Secretary KG5LYE
Treasurer N5GQB
- Still need volunteers to take over my position by August
- Net control operator
- Club Secretary
- ARES Net this evening
- 443.425 MHz FM (KD5DLW) Repeater
- Direct lightning strike
- Blew AR-2B in half!
- Took out two radios that didn’t have antennas attached to them!
- Be careful and protect your equipment during the storms this time of year!
- Keep your receipts!
- Thanks, Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)!
- Will be happy to pick up NCO position, but need someone else to do club secretary
KG5GWR Banjo
- Good signal from Cameron, TX!
- 10m net after? (due to ARES net)
- KG5LYE: maybe after N5BRZ ARES net… We’ll see.
- 6m is open to Europe