Net Script
Speak loudly into the microphone!
Attention all radio amateurs!
Attention all radio amateurs!
This repeater located on Charley Culver’s Tower (KD5DLW) will now be used to conduct the business of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club, W5BCS. This net meets on Tuesday evenings at 20:00 local time to discuss items of interest to the club. However, you do not have to be a club member to check in: all hams are welcome!
This is my name, my callsign, acting as net control.
In the event of a repeater failure or if we are otherwise unable to use this repeater, we will regroup on the KD5DLW Bryan repeater, 443.425 MHz.
Club officers this year are:
- President: David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Vice President: Tom Johnson (KI5ZPG)
- Secretary: Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Treasurer: Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
The following callsigns have already checked in early…
To account for possible transmission delays, let’s stand by for any check-ins from Echolink (W5BCS-R). If you are calling in via Echolink, please give your callsign phonetically and tell us where you’re calling in from this evening…
[wait at least 10 seconds]
Additional check-ins will be taken in groups depending on your callsign suffix. Please give your callsign phonetically and slowly.
[mention the following occasionally…]
If you’re new to Amateur Radio or just need a refresher, your callsign suffix consists of the letters that come after the number in your callsign.
First up, stations whose callsign suffix begins with the letters A through K — alpha through kilo — please call now…
Next up, stations whose callsign suffix begins with the letters L through S — lima through sierra — please call now…
Moving on, stations whose callsign suffix begins with the letters T through Z — tango through zulu — please call now…
Last call: any station that has not already checked into the net that would like to, please call now…
Station ID
This is my name, my callsign, acting as net control for the Bryan Amateur Radio Club Tuesday Evening Net. This is W5BCS.
[repeat every 10 minutes as necessary per FCC regulations]
Welcome, everyone! Thanks for checking in!
We will now have the officer reports:
- President: David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Vice President: Tom Johnson (KI5ZPG)
- Secretary: Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Treasurer: Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
Announcements / Comments
Does anyone have any announcements or comments they would like to share?
Buy / Sell
Does anyone have any equipment they are looking to buy or sell?
Information Exchange
Does anyone have any lessons-learned they would like to share or anyone who would like to request help with anything?
Late Check-ins
Are there any late check-ins?
Before we close the net, are there any comments or questions from anyone?
I’d like to thank everyone for their participation in the net this week and hope to hear from you all again next week.
[note the current time]
This is my name, my callsign, acting as net control closing this week’s net at current time and returning the repeater to normal use. 73s and good evening.
W5BCS clear.